Nov, 2020

Understanding the Health Risks of Obesity

Overweight and obesity are occurring in epidemic proportions in our pets. According to Banfield’s Applied Research and Knowledge Team, in the past ten years, diagnoses have increased 158% in dogs and 169% in cats. The conditions are linked to numerous other diseases, including arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease, so maintaining a healthy weight is about more than just keeping a slender waistline – it’s about living a healthier life!

Obesity is a difficult condition to treat and requires awareness and commitment from both you and your veterinarian. Causes to consider:

The risk of arthritis, diabetes and cardiovascular problems, for example, can be potential medical consequences associated with pets that are obese. With this in mind, it might be necessary to adjust the amount of food you are feeding your pet in order to maintain ideal body condition.

Overfeeding may also arise if the feeding guidelines stated on the pet food label are not appropriate for your pet. Feeding errors can happen if you mistakenly use a non-standard cup to measure out the food, are simply not aware that you are overfeeding your pet, or because you perceive a good appetite as a sign of good health.

Free feeding, or keeping the bowl full at all times, may also lead to overeating, particularly if your pet is bored, inactive and has little space for exercise. Likewise, highly palatable diets encourage overeating. Snacks and treats are often inappropriately used as a way to make up for guilt, i.e., when you leave your pet alone, arrive home late from work, etc.

Another element to consider is that spaying/neutering pets has been associated with an increased risk of obesity. Hormonal changes can decrease your pet’s ability to expend energy while increasing the appetite.

Obesity is an important nutritional health crisis affecting dogs and cats. It is recommended that you work with your veterinarian to create an appropriate weight management plan for your pet.